[외국도서] Cell Volume Regulation (Hardcover) - The Molecular Mechanism and Volume Sening Machinery : Proceedings of the 23rd Taniguichi Foundation Biophysics Symposium Held in Okazaki, Japan, 17-21
[외국도서] Paediatric Osteology (Hardcover) - Prevention of Osteoporosis-- A Paediatric Task? : Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Paediatric Osteology, Cologne, October 3-5, 1997
[외국도서] Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders (Hardcover) - Proceedings of the XI World Congress on Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders, Milan, 6-11 Se
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[외국도서] Partial Left Ventriculectomy (Hardcover) - Its Theory, Results, and Perspectives : Proceedings of the Cardiac Volume Reduction Forum '97, Held in Tokyo on 4 October 1997
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[외국도서] Early Child Development (Hardcover) - Investing in Our Children's Future : Proceedings of a World Bank Conference on Early Child Development: Investing in the Future, Atlanta, Georgia, apr
[외국도서] Trends in European Multiple Sclerosis Research (Hardcover) - Proceedings of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis
[외국도서] Control Mechanisms of Stress and Emotion (Hardcover) - Neuroendocrine Based Studies : Proceedings of the 18th University of Occupational and Environmental Health International Symposium, Kitakyushu, 8-10