Vyraschiwanie kormow i akonomika (Paperback) - Srawnitel'nyj potencial proizwodstwa kormowyh posledowatel'nostej posewow i ih akonomicheskaq celesoobraznost' w zapadnoj rawnine UP
Effect of nitrogen and sulphur on growth and yield of Indian mustard (Paperback) - Effect of nitrogen and sulphur nutrition on growth and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in western UP
Alimentazione agricola ed economia (Paperback) - Potenziale di produzione comparato di sequenze di coltivazioni basate su foraggio e loro fattibilita economica nella pianura occidentale di UP
Agriculture fourragere et economie (Paperback) - Potentiel de production comparatif des sequences de culture a base de fourrage et leur faisabilite economique dans la plaine occidentale de l'UP.
Production potential of forage based cropping sequences & economicsCom (Paperback) - Comparative production potential of forage based cropping sequences & their economic feasibility in western plain of UP
Agricultura alimentar e economia (Paperback) - Potencial comparativo de producao de sequencias de culturas forrageiras e sua viabilidade economica na planicie ocidental da UP
Futtermittelanbau und Okonomie (Paperback) - Vergleich des Produktionspotenzials von futterbasierten Anbaufolgen und ihrer wirtschaftlichen Machbarkeit in der westlichen Ebene von UP