Implementing the Kyoto Protocol - Chances and Challenges for Transition Countries: Proceedings of the Summer Academy 'Energy and the Environment' Irku (Paperback)
Between Theory and Practice: Putting Climate Policy to Work: Vol.1 of the Proceedings of the Summer Academy 'Energy and the Environment' Greifswald, 1 (Paperback)
Probleme bei der Erhebung von EG-Eigenmitteln aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht (Paperback) - Zum Auseinanderfallen von Ertragszustandigkeit und Verwaltungszustandigkeit bei Steuern und Abgaben
Opportunities and Drivers on the Way to a Low Carbon Society (Paperback) - Proceedings of the Summer Academy 'energy and the Environment'; Guilford, Surrey and London 24 - 29 July 2011
Emissions Trading in Europe: Initial Experiences and Lessons for the Future: Vol. 2 of the Proceedings of the Summer Academy 'Energy and the Enviro (Paperback)
Driving Without a Driver: Autonomous Driving as a Legal Challenge. Proceedings of the 38th Congress of the Society of Comparative Law in Tubinge (Paperback)