Texts and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (Vol 11) : Syriac Original, Arabic Garshuni Version, and Armenian Epitome with Translatio (Hardcover)
Texts and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (vol 8) : Syriac Original, Arabic Garshuni Version, and Armenian Epitome with Translation (Hardcover)
Der Klimawandel verandert unsere Welt (Paperback) - Flora, Fauna und Mensch unter Umwelteinflussen. Ursachen, Folgen und Chancen einer sich verandernden Welt. Ab 6. Schuljahr
Texts and Translations of the Chronicle of Michael the Great (vol 8) : Syriac Original, Arabic Garshuni Version, and Armenian Epitome with Translation (Hardcover)