A Rhetorical Grammar: In Which The Common Improprieties In Reading And Speaking Are Detected And The True Sources Of Elegant Pronunciation A (Paperback)
Walker's Critical Pronouncing Dictionary And Expositor Of The English Language ...: To Which Are Prefixed Principles Of English Pronunciation, Rules T (Paperback)
Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language: Abridged for the Use of Schools, Containing ... Principles of English Pronunciation With the (Hardcover)
A Rhyming Dictionary: Answering, at the Same Time, the Purposes of Spelling and Pronouncing the English Language On a Plan Not Hitherto Atte (Paperback)
A Rhyming Dictionary: Answering at the Same Time, the Purposes of Spelling and Pronouncing the English Language, On a Plan Not Hitherto Atte (Hardcover)
A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language ...: To Which Is Annexed a Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin (Paperback)