1948년 경남 함양 출생. 1991년 영국 옥스퍼드 대학교 영문학 박사 취득.
2013년 영남대학교 영문과 교수 정년퇴임. 한국 T. S. 엘리엇학회 회장역임.
영문판 저서로 『Biographical Themes in T. S. Eliot’s Early Poetry』, 『T. S. Eliot and The Criterion』, 『“Action Francaise” Condemnation and Other Essays』 등이 있다. 번역서로는 영문판 『Korean Buddhist Poems』와 『Birds, Flowers, and Men』과 한글판 초역 시집으로는『오메로스』(Omeros)와 『Ronald Stuart Thomas: Collected Poems 1945~1990』이 있다.
Jeo-Yong Noh was born in Hamyang, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea in 1948. He was awarded a DPhil in English literature from the University of Oxford in 1991. He retired from teaching at Yeungnam University in 2013, and served the T S Eliot Society of Korea as president from 2003 to 2005. He published Biographical Themes in T. S. Eliot’s Early Poetry, T. S. Eliot and the Criterion, and “Action Francaise” Condemnation and Other Essays. He also published Korean Buddhist Poems and Birds, Flowers, and Men in English translation along with Omeros, and Ronald Stuart Thomas: Collected Poems 1945~1990 in Korean for the first time.