영국 국립문예창작센터 멘토십, 대산문화재단 한국문학번역지원, GKL 한국문학번역상 대상, 코리아 타임즈 현대한국문학번역상 등 여러 번역상, 지원금 및 멘토십 수상자다. 번역한 책으로 박민규의 『더블』, 정지돈의 『내가 싸우듯이』 등이 있다.
Agnel Joseph is a recipient of several translation grants and awards, including Daesan Foundation Translation Grants, GKL Translation Award Grand Prize, Writers’ Centre Norwich Emerging Translator Mentorship, and Korea Times’ Modern Korean Literature Translation Award. He is the editor-in-chief of Korean Literature Now magazine. His book-length translations include Double by Park Min-gyu and Like I Fight by Jung Jidon. His shorter translations have appeared in Asymptote, Litro, and Wasafiri.