Dr. Bong-ho Son is a specialized minister, philosopher and moralist.
Born in Pohang, Korea in 1938, Son majored in English Literature at Seoul National University, earned Bachelor of Divinity in Westminster Theological Seminary, U.S., and received Ph.D. in Philosophy from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He served as professor of social philosophy and social ethics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Seoul National University, Korea. He also was Chairman of the Board for Hansung University (2003-2004) and the 6th President of Dongduk Women's University (2004-2008).
Son currently holds positions as Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University (since 2003), Special Chair Professor of Kosin University (since 2008), Chairman of Board for Korea Community Sharing Campaign (since 2011) and for Korea Food for the Hungry International (since 2015). He is also the guest commentator for KBS, the national broadcasting service of Korea (since 1996) and Chairman of the Ethics Committee of Chosun Daily (since 2016). Son advocates an ethical society that is genuine and truthful before God and trustworthy towards each other.
He previously served as co-Chairman of Christian Ethics Movement (1987-2002), co-Chairman of the Association of Civil Movements (1997-2001), co-Chairman of Coalition of Citizens for Economic Justice (1994-1997), and Chairman of the Board for Milal Association, a Christian organization for the welfare of disabled persons (1982-2003).
Son has authored numerous books. His books in English include “Science and Person” (1973) and “Modern Spirit and Christian Intellect” (1990). His Korean books include “Christianity Marginalized” (2018), “The Victim-centered Ethics” (2016), “To You without Answers” (2014), “Rest for a Moment” (2011), “Noble Egoism” (1998), “To Take the Side of the Weak” (1991), and “Though the Upper Stream is Contaminated” (1983), among others.