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Very Short Introduction

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이 분야에 13 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Social Security for Dummies (Paperback, 4)

Aarp / John Wiley & Sons Inc

20,300원(50%할인 / 210원)

Student Support and Benefits Handbook : England, Wales and Northern Ireland 2017-2018 (Paperback, 14 Revised edition)

Child Poverty Action Group / Cpag

17,900원(40%할인 / 900원)

Social Security for Dummies (Paperback, 3)

Jonathan Peterson / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,770원(30%할인 / 600원)

Social Security Legislation 2016/17 Volume 1 : Non Means Tested Benefits and Employment and Support Allowance (Paperback, 16 ed)

Sweet & Maxwell Ltd

78,780원(40%할인 / 3,940원)

Social Security Legislation 2016/17 Volume III : Administration, Adjudication and the European Dimension (Paperback, 17 ed)

Sweet & Maxwell Ltd

78,780원(40%할인 / 3,940원)

Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance (Hardcover)

Ryan Ellis / Wiley

91,320원(35%할인 / 920원)

CPAG's Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Legislation : Supplement (Paperback, 19 New ed)

Stewart Wright / Cpag

31,030원(35%할인 / 1,560원)

Student Support and Benefits Handbook : England, Wales and Northern Ireland 2014/15 (Paperback, 11 Rev ed)

Child Poverty Action Group / Cpag

15,750원(40%할인 / 790원)

Social Security & State Benefits, Issue 21, November 2008 (Paperback)

Not Applicable

204,840원(35%할인 / 10,250원)

Child Support Handbook (Paperback)

Child Poverty Action Group / Child Poverty Action Group

44,990원(35%할인 / 2,250원)

On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Freemasons and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France (Paperback)

J. J. Mounier / Unknown

45,820원(40%할인 / 2,300원)

Social Security & State Benefits (Loose-leaf)

Butterworths Tolley Ltd.

283,620원(40%할인 / 14,190원)

The Battle for Social Security: From FDR's Vision to Bush's Gamble (Hardcover)

Nancy J. Altman / John Wiley & Sons Inc

48,030원(35%할인 / 490원)