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이 분야에 26 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Protestant Ethic and Other Writings (Paperback)

막스 베버, Peter Baehr Wells 지음 / Penguin Classics

20,980원(30%할인 / 210원)

A Pocket Philosophical Dictionary (Paperback)

Voltaire / Oxford Univ Pr

15,090원(35%할인 / 460원)

Tibetan Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Matthew T. Kapstein / Oxford Univ Pr

13,580원(35%할인 / 410원)

Secularism : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Andrew Copson / Oxford University Press

13,580원(35%할인 / 410원)

The Obedience of a Christian Man (Paperback)

William Tyndale / Penguin Classics

14,280원(30%할인 / 290원)

Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the Secular State, from Christian Militias to Al Qaeda Volume 16 (Paperback)

Mark Juergensmeyer / Univ of California Pr

38,520원(30%할인 / 390원)

The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity (Paperback)

Ken Parry / Blackwell Pub

84,820원(30%할인 / 850원)

Islam, Standards, and Technoscience : In Global Halal Zones (Hardcover)

Johan Fischer / Routledge

40,800원(80%할인 / 410원)

A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (Audio CD)

메리앤 윌리엄슨 / HarperCollins

4,300원(90%할인 / 50원)

Looking Beyond Brexit : Bringing the Country Back Together (Paperback)

그레이엄 톰린 / SPCK Publishing

9,740원(30%할인 / 490원)

The Gulen Hizmet Movement : Circumspect Activism in Faith-Based Reform (Hardcover, Unabridged ed)

Tamer Balci / Cambridge Scholars Publishing

69,730원(40%할인 / 3,490원)

God Is Alive and Well (Hardcover)

Newport, Frank / Pgw

32,080원(30%할인 / 650원)

Religion and European Society : A Primer (Paperback)

Ben Schewel / John Wiley & Sons Inc

47,520원(30%할인 / 480원)

Crime & Punishment in Islamic Law C (Hardcover)

Mohammad Hashim Kamali / Oxford University Press, USA

20,000원(72%할인 / 200원)

Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Theology (Hardcover, 2)

William T. Cavanaugh / John Wiley and Sons Ltd

264,900원(30%할인 / 2,650원)

Parties, Movements, and Democracy in the Developing World (Hardcover)

Nancy Bermeo / Cambridge University Press

135,050원(30%할인 / 1,360원)

Schools and the Politics of Religion and Diversity in the Republic of Ireland : Separate but Equal? (Hardcover)

Karin Fischer / Manchester University Press

111,600원(40%할인 / 5,580원)

Religion, Secularism, and Constitutional Democracy (Hardcover)

진 L. 코헨 / Columbia University Press

173,640원(30%할인 / 1,740원)

Formed From This Soil : An Introduction to the Diverse History of Religion in America (Hardcover)


125,980원(30%할인 / 1,260원)

In Defence of War (Hardcover)

Nigel Biggar / Oxford Univ Pr

78,450원(30%할인 / 790원)

Religion and Chinese Society: Taoism and Local Religion in Modern China (Hardcover)

John Lagerwey / Chinese Univ Pr

29,980원(40%할인 / 300원)

Religion and Democracy (Paperback)

David Marquand / Blackwell Pub

56,520원(30%할인 / 570원)

The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State (Hardcover)

Kemal H. Karpat / Oxford Univ Pr on Demand

205,800원(30%할인 / 2,060원)

Religion in American History (Paperback)

Amanda Porterfield / Blackwell Pub

74,530원(30%할인 / 750원)