
과학 베스트
Nexus : A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to ...
Sapiens : A Brief History of Humankind (Paperback, 영국판) - 『사피엔...
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World-And Why Things Ar...
Cosmos (Paperback, 미국판) - 칼 세이건'코스모스' 원서
Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of L...
수학 베스트
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World-And Why Things Ar...
Amazing Visual Math (Hardcover) - DK 어린이 수학책
The Selfish Gene : 40th Anniversary edition (Paperback, 4 Revised edit...
Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe (Pap...
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black W...
자연생태 베스트
Birds in a Book (Uplifting Editions): Jacket Comes Off. Branches Pop U...
Cosmos (Paperback, 미국판) - 칼 세이건'코스모스' 원서
Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of L...
Lab Girl (Paperback, 미국판) - 『랩 걸』 원서
The Book of the Flower : Flowers in Art (Paperback)
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Probability for Dummies (Paperback)

Deborah J. Rumsey / For Dummies

32,360원(30%할인 / 330원)

Statistics All-in-One For Dummies (Paperback)

Deborah J. Rumsey / John Wiley & Sons Inc

51,780원(30%할인 / 1,040원)

Logic for Dummies (Paperback)

Mark Zegarelli / For Dummies

32,360원(30%할인 / 650원)

Math for Real Life for Dummies (Paperback)

Schoenborn / John Wiley & Sons Inc

27,180원(30%할인 / 550원)

The Mathematical Universe: An Alphabetical Journey Through the Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities (Paperback, Revised)

William Dunham / John Wiley & Sons Inc

33,670원(30%할인 / 680원)

Trigonometry Workbook for Dummies (Paperback)

Sterling, Mary Jane / For Dummies

32,360원(30%할인 / 650원)

Trigonometry for Dummies (Paperback, 3)

Sterling / John Wiley & Sons Inc

28,420원(35%할인 / 290원)

Algebra I All-In-One for Dummies (Paperback)

Mary Jane Sterling / For Dummies

54,370원(30%할인 / 1,090원)

Algebra II All-In-One for Dummies (Paperback)

Mary Jane Sterling / For Dummies

41,980원(40%할인 / 420원)

Geometry: 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) (Paperback)

Allen Ma / For Dummies

31,260원(40%할인 / 320원)

Handbook of Algebra: Volume 6 (Hardcover)

M. Hazewinkel / North-Holland

336,700원(30%할인 / 3,370원)

Handbook of Algebra: Volume 5 (Hardcover)

M. Hazewinkel / North-Holland

336,700원(30%할인 / 3,370원)

Wld Math 1 2v Set (Hardcover)

Brigham Narins / Gale / Cengage Learning

492,100원(30%할인 / 4,930원)

Statistics II for Dummies (Paperback, 2)

Deborah J. Rumsey / For Dummies

26,230원(40%할인 / 270원)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Hardcover, 5)

피터 V. 오닐 / CL Engineering

318,500원(30%할인 / 3,190원)

The Kowalevski Property (Paperback)

Vadim B. Kuznetsov / Amer Mathematical Society

187,770원(30%할인 / 1,880원)

Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society (Hardcover)

N. N. Uraltseva / Amer Mathematical Society

226,620원(30%할인 / 2,270원)

Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (Hardcover, 1)

Brooks Cole

201,950원(30%할인 / 2,020원)

Beyond Basic Statistics: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Every Data Analyst Should Know (Paperback)

Kristin H. Jarman / John Wiley & Sons Inc

80,500원(35%할인 / 810원)

The Mathematical Universe: An Alphabetical Journey Through the Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities (Hardcover)


54,390원(30%할인 / 1,090원)