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이 분야에 13 개의 상품이 있습니다.

The Story of My Life (Paperback)

Keller, Helen / Dover Pubns

6,470원(30%할인 / 70원)

Sybil : or The Two Nations (Paperback)

벤저민 디즈레일리 / OUP Oxford

17,040원(35%할인 / 520원)

Complete Poems (Paperback)

Marianne Moore / Penguin Classics

17,850원(30%할인 / 360원)

Enough Rope (Paperback)

Dorothy Parker / Dover Publications

6,470원(30%할인 / 70원)

Great Speeches by American Women: Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Geraldine Ferraro, Nancy Pelosi & Others (Paperback)

James Daley / Dover Pubns

11,650원(30%할인 / 120원)

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Paperback, 2, Revised)

Wollstonecraft, Mary / Dover Pubns

11,650원(30%할인 / 120원)

The Way of Perfection (Paperback)

Teresa of Avila / Dover Publications

15,540원(30%할인 / 160원)

Selected Letters of Abigail and John Adams (Paperback)

Adams, John / Dover Publications

6,470원(30%할인 / 70원)

The Essential Margaret Fuller (Paperback)

Margaret Fuller / Dover Pubns

7,770원(30%할인 / 80원)

Strange Days Indeed (Paperback)

Lindsay Ashford / Honno Press

13,340원(30%할인 / 670원)

Wit and Wisdom of America's First Ladies: A Book of Quotations (Paperback)

Joslyn Pine / Dover Pubns

3,880원(30%할인 / 40원)

Women's Wit and Wisdom: A Book of Quotations: Susan B. Anthony, Jane Austen, Florence Nightingale, Eleanor Roosevelt, Virginia Woolf, Gloria Steinem (Paperback)

Susan L. Rattiner / Dover Pubns

6,470원(30%할인 / 70원)

Medieval Writings on Secular Women (Paperback, 1st)

Various / Penguin Classics

14,280원(30%할인 / 290원)